Chalmers, voiced by Hank Azaria, is the superintendent of Springfield's school district. His position is apparently an elected one because in one episode a "Chalmers: Now More Than Ever" election billboard can be seen.
Whenever he visits the school, some sort of disaster strikes. He produces extreme cases of anxiety in Principal Skinner, who offers increasingly improbable stories to explain what is happening. Chalmers is known for yelling "SKINN-ER!!" (in fact, as shown in an episode that takes place in the future, he is a vegetable, only capable of saying his trademark line). His trademark line has caused some paranoia in Skinner (as seen in "Lisa's Date with Density").
In several episodes, Chalmers was seen dating Agnes Skinner (much to Seymour's dismay), although in other episodes he has mentioned he is married. Chalmers originally hails from Utica, New York and Intercourse, Pennsylvania, attended Ball State University and is a proud owner of a red 1979 Honda Accord.
Superintendent Chalmers |